The finished, cleaned-up, copy-edited version of this book is available for purchase in PDF, mobi, and epub formats. You get all three formats when you buy the book. Plus, the paid version is where updates are made and contains content not available in the Web version.
Welcome to Just the Best Parts: OSC for Artists.
This book will tell you about Open Sound Control, or, as it’s usually called, OSC.
The goal is to explain what it is, why you should care, and how you can use it.
For detailed examples of using OSC, see Just the Best Parts: Kinect Hacking for Artists (
Hope you enjoy this and find it useful.
The images in the first and second chapter are part of a sequential comic about MIDI and OSC.
The are presented on their own at the end of the book.
James Britt
The finished, cleaned-up, copy-edited version of this book is available for purchase in PDF, mobi, and epub formats. You get all three formats when you buy the book.
The paid version is also more current and has additional content not available in the Web version.